Warning Regarding Kitchen Burns

A Victorian family wants to warn others regarding the dangers of burns occuring in the kitchen.

Little wonder that childrens’ clothing must have warnings attached and those that do not are recalled.

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Even if they have warnings attached they obviously still catch fire in normal household situations. Fleecy, fluffy, anything eg jumpers or pjs made of combustible acrylics and similar flammable compounds even when used on adults have the great potential to catch fire. Parents in a normal household are going to have children in the kitchen, near the heater, near the fireplace, near the BBQ, near something that has the ability to start fires and we will continue to see incidents.

I think the warning label should be a “red label” warning to any parent considering buying the item with that warning on it, to re-think that purchase and leave it on the shelves. I also think the label is used to abrogate the responsibility from the industries that produce and sell the items (because they warned users) and places it on the user or parent of the user of the product ie if the product catches fire the businesses who made and sold it will happily point out that they warned the purchaser of the risk and so they have no responsibility for the outcome/s. If they fail to label the item then they wear the consequences, so with my cynical view I see the recalls for failing to label not so much a public safety recall as an industry protection recall that has an added benefit of protecting the public if they actually get to see the recall (and how likely is that?).


There is nothing wrong with reducing the flammability of children’s clothing and night wear in particular, but there are many other dangers in the kitchen. Different clothing won’t stop a child touching a hot stove, pulling boiling water over, cutting off a finger, drinking the pretty blue liquid from under the sink or smashing a glass bowl. There are many accidents in domestic kitchens every day.

Children need to be in the kitchen as it is in many ways the centre of family life, everybody should learn to cook and the fridge is a magnet for sticky fingers as it contains nearly all the good stuff.

I suggest that better awareness by adults and better supervision is more important than asbestos PJs.


A father wants to warn others after his daughter was badly burnt by scalding noodle soup.