Warning Regarding DIY Teeth Whitening

An article regarding the Australian Dentists Association warning about the dangers of DIY teeth whitening.

Whilst they would have a vested interest in the matter, the dangers do appear to be valid.


I wonder how many would DYI their own fillings or orthodontic works? Or maybe they are…


I am saddened that people feel the need to whiten their teeth whether by OTC products or influenced by their dentist. A travel toothbrush and a quick clean with a gentle toothpaste after wine or coffee or other stain inducing food and drink would keep you teeth healthier. I would urge people to check the levels of peroxide in ANY offer and aim for the AGA lower level of 6%.
Under Australian law and Dental Board of Australia regulations, only dentists can use teeth whitening products containing more than 6% hydrogen peroxide or 18% carbamide peroxide, but it is important to note that under Dental Board requirements, these stronger products can only be used for in-chair whitening procedures.
The biggest fight seems, to me, to be not keeping the patients teeth healthy but keeping control of the whitening business. So consumers can spend $100’s of dollars with a dentist of $10’s of dollars for OTC. Meanwhile the education of long term damage from either choice is missing. https://www.ada.org.au/News-Media/News-and-Release/Latest-News/Teeth-whitening-Surging-popularity-brings-issues-t#:~:text=Under%20Australian%20law%20and%20Dental,for%20in-chair%20whitening%20procedures

While not saddened, I also find it surprising the desire to whiten teeth. It is a cosmetic procedure and not much about the health of one’s teeth or gums. Possibly those who partake in the whitening are influenced by those in the spotlight that chose to have white, sparkly teeth.

As long as one’s teeth are clean, cavity free and healthy (inc. gums), what more would one ask for.


Perfectly aligned teeth, a movie star smile and whiteness like the crisp fresh robes of a religious service. Happy to take all providing it comes with the multi-million dollar Hollywood movie star income assured.

My dentist grumbles that I drink too much tea.
Rather a fresh cuppa than an extra 45 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 15 seconds in the dentists chair pretending I’m Clark Gable.