Tinder Plus price discrimination a global issue

The peak global consumer rights body Consumers International (of which CHOICE is a longstanding member) recently applied a similar methodology to our 2020 Tinder investigation into discriminatory price practices to six countries. While the pricing is complex, they found the same thing that we did - basically ‘Tinder Plus’ costs more if you are older.

Even if you’re not a Tinder user, this kind of pricing discrimination has ramifications for everyone. That’s why we’re running a campaign to tell Tinder to dump price discrimination altogether.

You can read more here:


Has CHOICE reported these findings to that Human Rights Commission (HRC)? It appears to have jurisdiction under the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (the ADA). The relevant web page states in part:

The ADA also protects younger and older Australians from discrimination in other areas of public life, including education; getting or using services; or renting or buying a house or unit.

Tinder provides a service (I have heard, never having actually used it). Reading the rest of the HRC’s web page implies to me that the case against Tinder may not be quite so clear-cut, but I suggest it is still worth bringing to the regulator’s attention, while CHOICE’s international colleagues do the same in their own jurisdictions.


Good suggestion. When we ran our initial investigation, we heard from an expert in anti-discrimination law who suggested there could be legal grounds for a case


Tinder, as with all the on-line Dating Sites, are an absolute joke and rip-off! For heavens sake DO NOT use your Credit Card details as before you know it every other on-line Dating Site will have your banking details and you will see amounts of money going out of your account! Most on-line Dating Sites use a similar ‘platform’ for you to load your profile so obviously they are linked. I have been bitten more than once by Dating Sites I have never heard of that have taken money from my account without signing a contract and my authority! Richard

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