Mobile phone doesn't ring but do get SMS about 'missed call'

Thanks for that. Coincidentally, a Filipino lady saying she was from TransACT rang me on Friday and it seemed pretty clear from our conversation she is part of TPG’s consolidation of all its call-centre business throughout its many subsidiaries into one call centre in Metro Manila.

I joked that she must be psychic, telling her I had just finished posting to a bulletin board making mention of iiNet’s recent email to me, and here she was calling to see if I had received that email! I also pointed out the irony that I had only just learnt via that same bulletin board that iiNet was now owned by TPG, the company which had been my original ISP back before there was a World Wide Web and back when the Total Peripherals Group was just a handful of shops selling printers et cetera who thought they could boost their sales of modems by going into the brand-new ISP business and operating out of an unused back room in one of those suburban shops – back then there were a total of three ISPs operating in the whole of Sydney and only TPG survives today.

I have posted the results of that call elsewhere on Choice’s website, since I thought the most critical outcome from a consumer action point of view was their insistence I would have to waive my Customer Service Guarantee rights or pay an extra $10 a month to remain with a TransACT shell and have those rights respected. See Telecommunications Customer Service Guarantee