Restricted membership health funds

I was disappointed to find (yet again) that advice in Choice magazine about availability of Defence Health fails to state that families of former members of the defence services are eligible to join. My father served in the army in WW2. I am insured by Defence Health. As the article says, these funds are often the best choice for a high-cover policy.
I raised this omission last time the subject was covered by Choice but was told that providing complete advice (ie adding 3 words: and their families) would make the entry too long. Seriously?

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Welcome to the forum.

It was good that you raised this in the past. If you look on-line at Compare Defence Health health insurance, it has the following information:

Who can join Defence Health?

Current or former members of the Australian Defence Force, reservists, civilian employees of Department of Defence (or related departments), employees of Defence contractors.

For further details see their website.

In the recent review Best restricted membership health insurance funds, it states:
If you or a family member have ever been employed in one of the following industries you may be eligible for a restricted membership health fund:

  • Defence

Further down it lists information on the restricted memberships funds including

  • Defence Health: Current or former members of the ADF, reservists, civilian employees of Department of Defence (or related departments), employees of Defence contractors

So it would seem that on-line the details are spelled out, and the information you received previously in relation to the printed version still stands; there is a space issue.