Purchasing in Australia yet incurring a foreign transaction fee

Hi @mcbodee, welcome to the forum.

Technically the bank is charging the foreign exchange transaction fee and not spotify. Most banks charge such fees when they exchange one currency into another.

However, one would expect that a company that is present in the Australian market, advertises to Australian consumers and also advertises its prices for the Premium subscription in Australian dollars, would charge its customers in Australian Dollars and not British pounds. It could be seen as deceptive or misleading advertising under the Australian consumer law if they are charging in GBR (GBP) when in fact their website indicates that the subscription fee is in dollars.

I would lodge a form complaint with Spotify and indicate that charging in GBR is misleading and deceptive conduct under the Australian Consumer law and that you will be also lodging a complaint with the ACCC (with a copy of the website and information showing that you are being charged in GBR and not AUD as indicated by their website).

Maybe also post on the Spotify Community Forum website for other subscribers to do the same as the more that lodge complaints, the more likely they may change their practices.

It will be interesting to see their response, as well as that of the ACCC.

I also wonder why they charge in GBR? Is it to avoid paying Australian taxes for the services provided in Australia?