Purchased something to help you sleep better? Did it work?

Hi all, CHOICE has done some research on what products people are buying to help them sleep better and whether they’re having the desired result.

So - have you had trouble sleeping and have gone out to buy a new pillow, mattress, fan, heater or air conditioner in order to get a better night’s rest? Did it work? Let me know!


Hi Liam,
I don’t know if this is exactly the remedy you’re after but after many, many years of trying EVERYTHING and it not working, a new gp suggested I try melatonin. It is non addictive and does not leave you with “fog brain” in the morning. I have used it ever since with no issues. I hope this helps someone else.


I tried white noise to help me get to sleep or get back to sleep after the 3.00 am wakeup. Purchased “headspace”, a meditation app that has lots of resources for all sorts of life issues. The “soundscapes” section includes a large choice of noises/sounds that can be set for 45 to 500 minutes. I like “Rain on Rocks”, but there’s plenty to play with.
Played on my phone or through Bluetooth earbuds.

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The partner just leaves the bedroom TV on. The noise lulls her to sleep (while keeping me awake). :thinking:


Maybe you need earplugs

I purchased a mandibular advancement splint… after two sleep studies, a trial of three sleep apnea masks and two machines, three airway orthodontists appointments, one ENT specialist, several sleep specialist appointments, high dose melatonin, low dose melatonin, a fit test, and GP visits.

Brain fog gone. Husband still wears earplugs just in case. (I’m in my 30s)

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Working nights and trying to sleep daytime in a noisy camp I searched online and eventually received a soft ear and eye mask through Amazon. $37+post. Nothing like it available in Australia. I have suggested to chemists they stock it but none have.
Valerian tablets ($17@supermarket) and Celestial Seasonings “Sleepy Time” tea work a treat too but for about 4 hours only

In the colder months, we heat milk up to have a cup of hot milk at bedtime. Seems to work reasonably well at putting us to sleep, but has the side effect of waking us up later in the night to go to the toilet to expel the additional fluid load.

I think it works, and is a relatively inexpensive way to assist in drifting off to sleep.

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