Mobility Scooters

I have looked on Choice for a Mobility Scooter review, but there isn’t one. I note that there are versions on Community that refer to ones that can be taken on public transport etc, but that’s not what I am after. My father, who is 95 this year, has had his last accident in his (now written-off) car, is still pretty sharp and would be fine to go to the shops on one of these. The market looks like a bit of free for all, and you could easily get an inappropriate, our poor quality machine. Is there any guidance out there from someone without a vested interest. We live in Perth.

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One useful resource are professional OT’s. If your dad had not used one, perhaps his GP can recommend or refer him to one.

Our experience with the providers of assistive aids and equipment is they vary significantly in ability. An OT with the appropriate skills and experience should be looking at what your father’s capabilities/needs are as well as what is expected of the mobility scooter. The first question to resolve is whether a mobility scooter is a suitable solution. One can still do considerable self harm using a mobility scooter. Evidence drawn from outcomes of one extended family member. The scooters still require a degree of attention when driving, reliable judgement of distances, adequate reaction times, and sound situational awareness. Particularly if they will need to interact often with traffic and or pedestrians.

A suitable assessment should offer guidance on what style/type and features are appropriate. No comment on brands or models.

You could start by looking at mobility scooters available for hire in your local area.

From a quick Google search for Perth there are a number of places hiring sturdy 4 wheel types with good carrying ability and good range. Try a test drive on different models.

If you hire and it turns out to be a dud, or not suitable, then send it back and get another, or a different type. If the type proves just right then you could buy that type.

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I’ve been researching for myself, initially as a car replacement, mine is on its last legs and I don’t drive anywhere that is not scootable. The decision i am having trouble with is whether I want a portable, medium size or large (in which I’d feel safer)… probably for no good reason. I’ll probably buy from because their prices are markedly lower than others.