How to make better-tasting coffee at home

There’s an art to making the perfect cup of coffee. What’s your secret?

Read our tips here:


Use good coffee and a plunger/French press.


Some tricks I have learned from bitter experience - a good coffee machine (love my Citz - thanks Choice!), flush with hot water before making a coffee (heats tubes and wash out any residue) and after, trial different pods until you find one(s) you like, and use one pod for one coffee shot only (second shot with a pod makes coffee bitter).


We have a new Youtube video where we spoke to coffee drinkers and coffee experts to find out if its really possible to make cafe quality coffee using a coffee machine at home.

Check it out below!


A light weight all but information free expose. Sure you can if you can. And if you cannot you cannot.

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I find it easy to make ‘cafe quality’ coffee at home.

First, use half the normal amount of coffee, but then get a reasonable taste by doing a ‘double shot’ and charging myself extra to get something resembling coffee.

Next, let it sit for at least ten minutes to get to luke-warm before drinking. And don’t forget to put some pointless milky pattern of a leaf on the top.


I can do a pointless milky pattern every time (ie a blob). I am still working on a basic leaf. The more intricate? Some things are just because one can :joy:

For those of us that are challenged and have the budget, A Solution!


Dear god, why would you bother. I really do not care about the art on my coffee and at home I have drip coffee because I actually do not like espresso, and I have a dribble of cream in it because I can taste the sugar in ordinary milk and I hate that. When out, I have long blacks, these days, I always feel sick if I have a latte or flat white.

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“Pointless” is the operative word. Why would anyone bother with coffee art at home? :smile:

The topic is “How to make better-tasting coffee at home” (my emphasis), anyway - not better-looking coffee. :wink:

Of course, “better-tasting” is subjective anyway. “Each to his [sic] own taste”. :upside_down_face:

To my taste: I make a better-tasting coffee with our home espresso machine than with any plunger or drip coffee maker. It compares well with that produced by most coffee shops, and an added bonus is not having to dig through 2cm+ of froth with a spoon to get to the coffee. :smile:


I make our coffee in a 2 cup size Turkish type coffee pot. 2 to 3 rounded teaspoons of ground coffee placed in the heated pot, fill with boiling water, stir gently, skim off the froth when it first boils and put that skim not one of the mugs, stir gently as it simmers for 5 minutes and then pour into heated mugs. All tihs is done on the hot plate of my slow combustion oven. My mug has 1 1/2 teaspoons of raw sugar in it and my wife’s has milk in the bottom. The mugs have been warmed on the side of the hot plate while coffee was brewing.