DuckDuckGo Search Engine and App

Has anyone heard of the German ‘MetaGer’?
Choice had an article about Google and alternate search eingines in 2017 but not very relevant today I s’pose.
Maybe time for a new research on this topic?


You mean this one?

Yes it comes under the GDPR and the source code is public and transparent ( If you pay for membership of suma-ev, link is to the membership form (pdf), you can search without Ads, minimum charge for individuals (as Members) a month is Euro 5.00 but you can opt to pay more… Suma-ev is the association that is the owner of MetaGer. There is no charge for searching as a non member but you will get ads.

To explain the goals of suma-ev you can read it in English courtesy of Google Translate (you can use other site translators but here Google does a great job).