Disgusting Scams Targeting Bushfire Victims & Donators

An article regarding the lowest forms of “humanity” targeting victims of the bushfires.

This sort of scum almost make the arsonists who started some of the recent fires look good.



An article regarding another grub scammer.


This is just a reflection on our crumbling society where enough have become Self Centred and “entitled”. If it is doable they do it without care for those they affect. We see it in Service Industry eg repair men charging for bogus repairs or over inflating the cost. Builders who don’t finish what they contracted for. Even Government who fail to enact changes needed or create things like Robodebt. Am I surprised there are those who do it, not at all, there has been a long history of human selfishness. Will it happen in the future, without a doubt it will. How to avoid this is the harder part, as I would like to think there are enough out there who have compassion and respond when they feel there is a need. This will mean that people will get hurt by unscrupulous people, all we can do is warn us all to be careful and try to verify as much as possible the real situation before offering to help.


The scum of the earth strikes again.


The lowest form of scum, the looters, are now targeting victims homes.



And other scum are stealing RFS equipment.

Send in the army with orders to shoot looters on sight.

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Yet another disgusting scam set up to defraud donors wanting to help the koalas injured in the recent bushfires.

There is obviously nothing that these bottom-feeding grubs will not stoop to, other than actually ever doing an honest day’s work.


The could be preparing to stand for political office. Oh wait, you included that. Well done.


And an article regarding the legitimate GoFundMe campaign that the grubs were trying to feed off.


This reply isn’t about the scam but is about Koalas and the extent the bushfires etc have decimated the natural population of them:

So if we can help save some of them from the injuries I support and praise those who contribute to any funds that really do help the Koala & other native animal populations and utterly condemn those that abuse us & con us when we try to help.


Breaking news from Scamwatch that the fearless and ever alert ACCC has finally woken up to the bushfire scams which they finally posted on their Scamwatch website late this afternoon but no email received so far.

What would consumers ever do without the protection of this ship of fools.



Is there no limit as to how low theiving scum can lower themselves to?

At least the grubs have now been caught.


And now for today’s disgusting episode of “The Scum Of The Earth”.

And an update on these grubs.

And a further update.

And another one.

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And still another one.

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And another type of bottom feeding grubs have surfaced.

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Yet another bunch of bottom feeding grubs are targeting the bushfire victims.

Disgusting parasites.

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Another article warning about scammers targeting bushfire victims and donors.

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A warning to grubs targeting the Federal Government Bushfire Relief Fund.

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An article regarding fraudulent claims being received by the Red Cross for bushfire assistance funds.

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An article regarding the NSW RFS trying to get the Celeste Barber appeal funds distributed to bushfire victims.

And the Red Cross and the Salvation Army still working on distributing donations as they sort through fraudulent claims.