Dementia Prevention & Treatment Research

A couple of interesting articles regarding dementia.


Hi, Fred123,

I am a clinician working with people, middle-aged and over, with cognitive impairment, dementia and related syndromes. Thank you for contributing to the awareness of treatment options.

I offer some comments as background:

There are different types of brain diseases, each one may have many varying causes. The brain is very complex, hence the complexity of the research.

The cognitive impairment disease are more common now due to an increasing absolute number of older around the world. The combination of successful improvements in sanitation, nutrition, safety and health care means that less people die of preventable illnesses - a good thing. More older people is a sign of a successful society.

Despite decades of research there are still no clear treatments which reliably reverse, halt or even slow the worsening of symptoms - there is still no cure. There are a small number of treatments which MAY change the progression in SOME types of dementia, if started VERY EARLY - almost before any symptoms - hence many challenges to widespread use. The Avenex trial is not “new” but is not widely known outside the dementia field.

Another approach is to delay or prevent the development of symptoms, which is the relevance of the cholesterol study. This is not a new field of research, with that report adding a specific detail to further clarify known information.

This is all important information. And each new report needs to be considered in the context of what is already known, just as we do with studies into, say, weather patterns.

In the absence of a treatment which truly alters the brain’s decline, we could all be aware that avoiding / delaying your own dementia needed to start during the time your mum was pregnant with you!

As Choice often advises, be a little bit cynical about everything and obtain appropriate information (my paraphrase). Dementia Australia is a reliable site to find further information and links to other research. (I have no connection to them).


Thanks for sharing this perspective @Pelican, we appreciate it.


Hi Pelican.

I was not making any comment on the articles but simply bringing them to the attention of the community, particularly as it is one of the 3 diseases which is expected to kill most of us, so they can be informed as to what is happening in regard to Dementia research and treatment, should they not read it elsewhere.

If I am adding my two bobs’ worth of my opinion, then I post it under the link to the article/s.


Hi, Fred123,

Absolutely! Dementia is now the most common cause of death in women in Australia so being aware of changes in available treatments is important.

The challenge is providing context when conveying information so that the desired outcome is more likely.

For, example, when the media reported (a few years ago) about an ultrasound treatment improving brain function in Alzheimer’s disease, there was no mention that this was in mice. These mice are specifically bred for research because their mice-type Alzheimer’s has similarities to human Alzheimer’s.
Reception staff took many many calls over the next few weeks about making an appointment for ultrasound therapy.
False hope was provided to these people, while others can become fed up with these media reports if the research is not yet available for widespread use.

Different research may give apparently inconsistent information - such as cholesterol medicines for dementias. And just think of all the changing advice over the last few decades about whether to eat eggs…

Being a consumers’ forum, the opinions / comments of others are essential. I was hoping to add context to your useful post, not to be dismissive. I apologise if I gave that impression.


An article regarding research into Alzheimer’s Disease being caused by Herpes and possible treatment.

Another article regarding early detection of dementia.

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Another Alzheimer’s Disease breakthrough.

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An article regarding the Federal Government awarding a $500,000 grant to Dr Tim Morgan so that he can commercialise his nasal spray to treat dementia patients.

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An article regarding a Japanese study into links between trans fatty acids and dementia.

An article regarding research into reversing dementia.

An article linking obesity to dementia risk.

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Australian developed dementia vaccine close to starting human trials.

Great stuff.


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An interesting article regarding a housing development specifically designed for dementia sufferers.

Some 250 Australians being diagnosed as having dementia daily and rising.

A cure has been found for one type of dementia.

Sean Connery had dementia.

An article regarding some early signs of dementia.

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