D-Link D-Fend AC2600 Wi-Fi Router review

We’ve reviewed the D-Link D-Fend AC2600 Wi-Fi Security Router, which takes charge of privacy and protection of your home wireless network.

See the review:


Perhaps a review of the Pi-Hole is warranted, it probably is cheaper (the cost of a Rasberry Pi, a box for the Pi, power supply, Micro SD card 32GB or bigger), the software is free. It still needs setting up but the task isn’t too hard and there are a few online tutorials that step a user through it all.

Great to see products are trying to help in the market but $500 is a lot of $s to many to ensure some level of safety when cheaper and open source options are out there.

Basically a move to a Pi-Hole on a home network will likely be cheaper and probably at least as effective as buying a more commercial product.


D-Link has an atrocious security record. Just scroll through this list, or go to The Reg.


Thanks @grahroll/ @postulative, appreciate the feedback. I have just posted about the Nighthawk AX8 router, let me know if you have any additional thoughts.