CPAP Machines, Sleep Apnoea - Machines, Parts, Prices

My personal experience regarding sleep apnea and treatment.

I have sleep apnea for years, about 14 years ago I did a surgery called Uvuloppalatopharingoplasty. It basically removed your tonsil and soft tissue above inside your mouth at the top part. I did that surgery thinking that it might fix my sleep apnea and I won’t have to wear CPAP machine for the rest of my life. Unfortunately that is not the case. The surgery was completed successfully but it did not have any improvement to my sleep apnea. I still have to use CPAP machine for the last 14 years.

The surgery left me with the following 3 problems.

  1. I used to take personal singing coaching and was able to sing well even for high notes. After the surgery I no longer able to sing notes a bit higher than normal.
  2. When I talk sometimes I will be out of tune. It was never the case before the surgery.
  3. When I drink water sometimes it will goes inot the wrong hole and cause me to choke.

I wish I did not do the surgery.

CPAP machine, on the other hand is very successful in helping me getting good sleeps for many years.

I strongly recommend using CPAP machine against any surgery.

I was told most sleep apnea are caused by our tongue blocking the airway. I fix this you will need to have a major surgery that cut a bit of your jaw bones on both sides of your jaw and join them back. This is a major surgery and I believe will come with more bad effects (strange looking face and jaw?). I would advise against it.

I have had several surgeries done in my life, all of which has left me with irreversible negative results and I wish I have not done them. Stick to non-invasive measure when you can. Because surgeries are irreversible.