Company Marketing Website Designs

I would like to put forward my thoughts about website designers, Company Marketing and the customer experience that I and my friends agree on and would like to pass along these thoughts to those who Lordy over us.

I would like firstly to remind Marketing that the products that they force upon me are burning my bandwidth and that is not ok by me.

We may feel we live in a country of freedom and have choices and are amazed at Communist countries and their restraint on citizens, I would like to point out most Company Website practises are worse than Communist Rule.

We are made to agree with policy without options, not allowed to view a page without providing our person details and I can see the future as being very expensive with fees and charges for everything.

Have a look at their thoughts on saving all your data on their servers.

The only thing missing is a picture of a gun pointed at you.

It is time for Governments to restrain these practices.

The internet costs money to run. Businesses, especially those that provide ‘free’ services such as email, social media, videos, apps for entertainment etc need to have revenue to provide these services consumers desire for ‘free’. Some chose subscription based services where one pays for content/access, while others harvest and/or use collected data for mainly marketing purposes.

One has the choice to avoid using those services known to actively harvest and use collected data, or use methods in attempt to reduce data harvested or linked to your profile.