CHOICE Peru Travel Guide

The CHOICE Peru Travel Guide is your pass for a fantastic trip to South America. Use our tips to learn about safety precautions, find the best time to visit Peru and get the most out of your cash. Find more in the following articles:

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We’ve updated our Peru travel guide. All new content is available on the above links :wink: :peru:

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I still haven’t found the name of that Essential Guide, who is she or he :laughing: but I really enjoyed the articles. Thank you for the great info.


While it is great ro see Choice providing such information…however, some of it is a repeat of information on the Smart Traveller - Peru website. I wonder if it would be better for Choice to point to the Smart Traveller webiste for such information to ensure that travellers are receiving the latest up-to-date travel information.

Also, it may be worthy to mention registering one’s travels with Smart Traveller…as information in some parts of the world can change almost daily…and Smart Traveller emails these updates to ensure that travellers are fully aware of emerging issues. Registering also allows the government to know where its citizens are in the case of a natural disaster, political unrest/war outbreak etc and can assist with evacuation from the country. It doesn’t replace travel insurance, but is a very good complement to it.


Thanks @phb, I think a clear call-to-action to sign up to the SmartTraveller alerts is a great idea. I know our travel journalist work with with DFAT to produce travel advice, so we can assure you that the info is up to date and should remain so.