Choice, Consumer Defenders or Climate Activists?

I believe that Choice should not be an climate activist.

Choices role should however ensure that any products or services which make claims about energy efficiency, emissions, ‘green’ credentials etc are assessed to ensure that consumers are not being taken by a ride by individuals or businesses trying to make a quick dollar from future changes in government polices or industry practices.

Choice, from its website is:

Who is CHOICE?

We are the leading consumer advocacy group in Australia.

Independent and member-funded, CHOICE is here to ensure that Australian consumers like you get a fair go.

We want your voice to be heard loud and clear when it comes to anything consumer-related, from saving money to choosing the best products and services for your family, and we’re constantly on the look out for dodgy or misleading practices that might stop you from getting the best deal.

We’ve been around for 60 years, so whether it’s campaigning for your rights, making shopping easier, testing products or giving unbiased advice about food, finance and health, CHOICE has the expertise to make sure you get the best information.

Choice has also stated publically that:

The Australian Consumers’ Association (ACA) is a not-for-profit, non-party-political
organization established in 1959 to provide consumers with information and advice
on goods, services, health and personal finances, and to help maintain and enhance the
quality of life for consumers. The ACA is funded primarily through subscriptions to
its magazines, fee-for-service testing and related other expert services. Independent
from government and industry, it lobbies and campaigns on behalf of consumers to
advance their interests.

As its primary role is to ‘anything consumer-related’ and being non-political, it should stick to its core role and ensure that energy efficiency or green goods and services sold or marketed to consumers are not ‘dodgy or misleading’.

Climate change and its activism has become very political, being political is against one of the core principles of Choice.

For Choice to change its role and be an climate activist would possibly require a change in organisation focus. As Choice is independent and member funded, it already has limited funds to support its current charter/constitution and taking an new role would place additional pressure on future work Choice does in the consumer advocacy area.

There are a wide range of other groups which are better placed and suited to climate activism. Members have the opportunity to join such organisation if they chose.

Choice has also taken its part in some way by its offices becoming carbon neutral. Doing such Choice has become a role model for other business to also achieve the same status.