Calls for car ombudsman to resolve 'lemon' vehicle disputes

Qld has specific legislation, but relies on a mediated resolution through QCAT.

There are some costs involved for the consumer. In respect of technical support, the dealer or manufacturer has effectively a limitless wealth of data and support to lean on. The dealer or manufacturer will also have a broad choice of whom to represent them. Even if it’s not a legally qualified rep it’s likely someone well versed in mitigating circumstance. It’s likely far from a level playing field.

An ombudsman - ombuds-person with staff, resourcing and independent support is one way to expedite fair outcomes IMO. An added benefit of a dedicated office could be an increased ability to focus on repeat offenders, dealers or products (manufacturers/importer).

A vexed question is how this is best implemented nationally, given the political divide between Commonwealth and the States, as well as between the States and Territories. All new vehicles plus some recycled are fully imported. The Commonwealth has control over imported vehicles. The industry is not State specific. A decision on a lemon in NSW should also be automatically applicable to a lemon in Qld or anywhere else in the country.