Batteries for completely off grid solar

Hi @gordon

As I was reading the article I noticed a link to an article about SolarCoins which I then read. Do you know about them? Are they worthwhile in applying for? Do you get them and if so do you find it a worthwhile exercise? If worthwhile maybe this is something all solar power owners should sign up for.

I realise that was a figurative question, and the answer is to look at the governments “we” have elected over the past decades and the evidence about who they represent by action or inaction, case by case.

It is not one sided because the country is rife with all sorts of laws that protect various trades as well as most businesses, in both direct and indirect ways.

Hi grahroll, I’ve certainly heard about them, but don’t really understand them, and have not thought about them at all. Since I’m not connected to the grid, I doubt I’d be able to get them anyway.

Thanks @gordon I appreciate the reply.

On further reading it appears you would be eligible even if not connected to the grid.
In the FAQ under the section heading Claiming SolarCoins is an answer to being off grid.

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