Is it safe to use glyphosate (Roundup etc) and other chemicals?

The classic smoking lobby debate. Deny deny deny and then demand statistics…which are then also denied.
You might yourself Google this rather than play politics but to humour you here are but a few:

Do your own research. Avoid the paid scientists who post with industry money. Same deal in the climate change debate where the industry put forward ‘studies’, in the absence of a suitable word, to claim that there is not a problem. Smoking debate? Same deal. That’s how big business works.

You may want to now provide evidence that glysophate is safe from RELIABLE sources. Look forward to you proof.

This debate is ongoing but I’ll put my money on there being a problem. Agent orange in the Vietnam war makes my point and the large number of returning soldiers who have died from cancers of all sorts is what farmers are now starting to develop albeit in smaller doses. There’s no such thing as a safe herbicide…other than boiling water!