2023 May Food Challenge Cooking Eggs 🥚

Eggs are marketed as a ‘amazing wonder food’ or a ‘superfood’ as they contain vitamins A, B12, B2, B5, B9 E, selenium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, omega 3, essential fatty acids and the list goes on.

Eggs are a commonly eaten food with each Australian consuming on average around 260/year (or about 22 dozen).

Eggs can used in recipes or cooked whole using many different cooking methods making them a versatile food to have in the kitchen.

What is your favourite way of eating whole eggs?

  • Fried
  • Poached
  • Boiled
  • Coddled
  • Microwaved
  • Baked
  • Other
  • Don’t eat whole eggs

0 voters

If you don’t eat them whole, let us know your favourite food containing eggs. If you eat them whole and jazz them up a bit to make them tastier, let us know how you ‘dress up’ your eggs for eating.

@Gaby, @vax2000 and @phb would like to thank all those who contributed to the April 2023 Food Challenge. Particular thanks are also extended to @SherylW, @kcw151, @Mijke, @robynne.burchell and @Memsahib… We have awarded you the Food Champions badge for your posts.


Like to have them fried and the yolks firm .


A hard-boiled egg is deep fried to brown the outside and coddled in a spicy sauce to make it tastier. This is a Malay recipe.


I like my eggs poached with lovely, runny yolks. The eggs have to be fresh though or you will end up with a saucepan of foam and yolks that are like golf balls. I also love Shakshuka and find this is a substantial dish that will suffice for lunch or dinner, served with some crusty bread.


Over easy, an American style staple. Runny yoke and barely (just) set white.


I enjoy omelettes usually with mushrooms, crispy bacon, tomatoes and asparagus wrapped in the middle !


I enjoy them poached with lovely runny yolks, served on small batch sourdough toast; scrambled (just the beaten eggs cooked in a saucepan with butter, no milk or cream added), gently stirred occasionally until set, seasoned with truffle salt, or pepper; and hard-boiled for lunch or a quick snack. We’re lucky enough to have access to lovely fresh eggs from our son’s chooks. We also love Shakshuka, @robynne.burchell. Yolks must always be runny @vax2000, unless it’s a hard-boiled egg.


Not always: we can do a fried egg, flip it, and choose to cook it from over easy: yolk runny -
to over hard: yolk cooked hard.
It’s a simple matter of individual taste :slightly_smiling_face:


Scrambled with parsley, diced ham/bacon, sharp grated cheese is one of my favourite comfort foods or breakfast (on warm buttered toast).


I voted Other, as I like scrambled best, although it is a lot of stirring over a double boiler. Mr Z with his autism has issues with food texture and finds runny yolk abhorrent. Consequently the fried eggs have to be like leather around the edges to convince him the yolks are set.

We have eggs as

  • hard boiled, cold in salads - easy to transport for packed lunch etc
  • scrambled - anytime
  • fried - occasional breakfast
  • omelette - heavy on the cheese & veg - for our meat/fish free main meal
  • incidental in cooking - bind meatballs, mayonnaise, blanc mange, cake etc.

Fortunate to have friends and relatives with chooks, but still buy mostly from the shop.


The best of all hens eggs, home laid free range. Cook them how ever you please they always taste the greatest. Although these days the suburban quarter acre block with backyard and chook run have gone the way of the dunny out the back and night soil collection. Lawn grubs, what lawn grubs!

The challenge does not include duck eggs, but rumour (fact IMHO) has it they taste even better, and…
supposedly they hold more antioxidants, more omega-3 fatty acids, and 50% more vitamin A than chicken eggs. It’s been a while - Indian Runners being one good layer.

One neighbour made an attempt with their ducks happily roaming and enjoying the dam on their acres. The local Wedge Tails also approved. Back to the chook eggs. Still hopefully of one day finding that special goose! :wink:


It depends on the freshness of the eggs.

Really fresh eggs will have not have time for the barrier between yolk and white to degrade, so fried eggs and poached eggs. Nothing worse than a fried egg when the yolk just collapses.

Over time gas will build up which makes boiling eggs very iffy. Probably crack.

After that it is omelette, scrambled, frittata.


One of the best ways to avoid cracking is to place the egg, preferably at room temperature, into cold water and bring to the boil. Adding a teaspoon of salt in the water also helps, the salt will ‘seal’ any crack, and if not, just a little of the egg white will escape and act as a ‘plug’.


I’m envious to hear about having farm fresh eggs available! I get mine from the supermarkets and I know that I could be buying eggs laid a long time before I take them home.
My favourite is sunny side up, but it could mean a risk of salmonella, so I flip it over and make the yolk more dense. For the same reason I make omelettes, making sure the egg is completely cooked, but it works out well because omelettes and frittatas can be made very tasty by adding veggies and ham and cheese and herbs.


So no DIY egg yolk mayo for you.

Yes indeedy, when you have chooks this can make a cheap, tasty and nutritious meal.

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Myself and the Mr are gym goers so eggs are eaten every which way in great volumes. I make sourdough bread which we slather in avocado and top with scrambled or if we have extra time then poached, draining on a lint free tea towel to save paper towel going to landfill. We buy around 3 dozen eggs from the supermarket in the weekly shop and if they’re not sold out we buy the 5,000 hens per acre brands under $8. If none left we go for the 10,000 hens per acre in that price range. I recently swapped some of my 7 year old sourdough starter for some backyard hens eggs and I have to admit, the grass-pecked chooks who lay our supermarket eggs probably have a better life than a dumpy inner city suburban chook as we found that these eggs did not have a superior flavour to the ones we select at the supermarket.

And as a home baker of course, always stored at room temperature.


Soft boiled for a protein snack; hard boiled and cooled to slice and throw in a salad; fried and chopped up to add back into a stir fry, scrambled into an omelette or frittata, or poached with runny yolks.

Eggs are good however you cook them.


Twice cooked cheese souffle is a winner for me!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Should we be eating eggs?

Fried over easy. Fried very hard and quick to make the whites slightly crispy.
Then on a toasted piece of bread with - of all things - ketchup. You may laugh but if you haven’t tried it, don’t knock it. Bacon can also be used if you don’t like the sweetness of ketchup.
I actually like them boiled as well, with salt and pepper and ryebread. It must be ryebread, Danish style which is a bit like pumpernickel but without the over-sweetness.