Climate change and the consumer - news

This game is played out in many ways. One of the saddest is the propaganda that is fed to some coal miners. It goes along the lines of they have to all band together because the toxic virtue signalling loony greenies hate them and want to see them lose their jobs. Some suck it up and repeat it. It becomes real us and them stuff that generates a huge amount of pain all around.

Most of the genuine environment supporters I know would be quite happy for a plan that provided an orderly exit from coal mining rather than a collapse where many were unemployed. If only.

Driving a coal truck or similar is working for a living it isn’t making a policy or understanding it often. It is never about the choice (or lack of choice) in what work you do. It isn’t a lifestyle choice that prefers dust and smoke. It’s about doing a job that is available. The drivers are victims too in more ways than one.

It’s all about jobs, jobs and more jobs…

About an industry that has some decent members but also has some who play at being the champion of the blue collar working man while trialling robot trucks to put him out of a job - if he hasn’t already been screwed with his pants on with an enterprise agreement and/or being forced to be casual. If you want compliant workforce begin by manipulating them into a state of high anxiety.