Can corporations impose legally enforceable restrictions on peoples rights under Australian law?

After a full semester course perhaps the expertise is something you already possess?

Australian law is Australian law.
If any of us believe a Corporation is imposing a condition on us as an individual, which is not in accordance with Australia law - we are at liberty to test that as individuals through the Australian Courts in accordance with Australian law. Most often the law does not generalise, but respond to each instance case by case.

If the legal situations require, the courts will provide an appropriate determination and add to common law. Perhaps what the course presenter was trying to say is that a corporation cannot impose a condition that removes a consumers right to seek legal resolution in Australia in respect of any contracted condition.

I’m not a lawyer. Perhaps you could write to the QC/SC that presented the course with your question seeking clarification. It might assist all of us to know what the reply is and help all of us to better understand Australian Law.